Herbaceous plants survey in seaplane harbor in Tallinn

Address: Certain parts of Lennusadama T1, Vesilennuki Street 12 ja Vesilennuki Street 14, Tallinn, Harju County
Area: 0,6 hectares
Time of inventory: 2022

The study area is located in the Põhja-Tallinn district, between the Seaplane Harbor and Noblessner quarter.

The area belongs to ruderal vegetation, characterized as vegetation of ruderal sites type class. It has been used as a harbor area for a long period. The study area has a very thin layer of soil, and there has been construction activity in the neighboring areas, leading to the absence of vegetation in some parts.

The edge of the study area is currently used as a parking lot. During the inventory, soil relocation works were conducted, resulting in the piling of soil on areas covered with vegetation.

No valuable plant communities, invasive alien species, or protected plant species were identified in the study area.