Muuga Manor Park woody plants survey

Address: Pargi Road 1, Muuga Village, Vinni Parish, Lääne-Viru County
Area: 2,5 hectares (part of the manor park)
Time of survey: 2021
Muuga Manor Website:

Muuga Manor is a Neo-Renaissance style manor house, and its surrounding park follows the English garden style. Today, the park is under double protection: it is considered a heritage and it is also under nature protection. It is a historic manor park where not many historic trees remain; the stand has naturally grown quite dense and, in some places, bushy. Over different periods, the park has received numerous new additions, enriching the historic pattern. Interesting findings among protected species included Wild garlic (Allium ursinum) and Feather flat moss (Neckera pennata). Only a portion (phase I) of the entire park, was surveyed.

The survey was conducted using the methodology described in EVS 939-3:2020 “Woody plants in greenery. Part 3: Protection of trees during construction works”, also the tree root protections zones were calculated using the methodology describes in the same standard.