Õismäe “Meistri” bus stops

Address: Õismäe tee, Tallinn, Harjumaa
Area: 7 000 m²
Year: 2018
Status: Completed

Client: Tallinn Municipal Services (currently Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department
Lead designer: Teedeprojekt
Landscape architecture: Lidia Zarudnaya and Pihamaa Studio

The objective was to design new bus stops for the Õismäe Road and Ehitajate Road area. This involved conducting a woody plant survey, improving accessibility by creating new walkways, and preparing the urban greenery design as a of the landscape design (detailed design phase), and preparing the maintenance plan for the landscape.

The concept was “Happy times” and the aim was to make waiting for the bus more enjoyable and fun. Designing the landscaping as a unified green space was challenging due to the location of utility networks, particularly a large-diameter water system with a several-meter protection zone. To achieve unity in green spaces, large boulders and granite gravel were integrated into the planting areas. The boulders provide seating and climbing opportunities during the warm season, fostering the concept of fun time while waiting the bus.