Pääsküla Railway station platform and pedestrian tunnel herbaceous plants survey

Address: Certain part of Pääsküla Railway Station property and certain part of Keila-Tallinn 87.2-92.1 km property, Tallinn, Harju County
Area: 2,6 hectares
Time of survey: 2020

The survey was conducted in Tallinn, in the area between the Pääsküla EVR depot and Pääsküla River, within a 20-meter range from the existing railway tracks.

The area predominantly featured Ruderal vegetation and plants typical of Vegetation of yards and road edges habitat. There were patches of former Boreal heath forests, where the undergrowth has changed in species composition. Several alien plant species characteristics of railways were identified, along with signs of littering, spontaneous compost heaps, and plants typical of disturbed areas.